In the enigmatic landscapes of Hertfordshire, a staggering 448 years ago, the captivating saga of bottled beer unfolded. Picture this: Dr. Alexander Nowell, a priest with a penchant for fishing and a crafty homebrew, set out on a fishing expedition armed with a bottle of his finest ale. Alas, the good doctor, caught up in the excitement of the day, left his precious brew behind on the riverbank. Days later, upon his return, he stumbled upon the forgotten bottle, and as he cracked it open, a thunderous bang echoed through the air.
What caused this explosive phenomenon? The culprit was none other than a secondary fermentation, gifting the bottle with an abundance of carbon dioxide. In a time when beer and ale were typically flat, this effervescent discovery was nothing short of revolutionary. However, despite the allure of this story, historical evidence suggests that commercial beer bottling didn't truly kick off until the late 1600s.
Now, let's fast forward to the present day, where the world of bottled beverages has blossomed into a vast landscape. From global juggernauts to crafty concoctions and locally brewed delights, the choices are endless. And what's more, an increasing number of folks are becoming brewmasters in their own right, crafting beer in the comfort of their homes. In the booming beer business of today, the demand for the perfect bottle is paramount.
Step into the realm of beer bottle variety, where our 500ml amber beer bottles take centre stage for classic brews, adorned with caps available in a spectrum of colours. The great news? We stock them, and there's no hassle about minimum orders. Whether you're seeking a modest supply for your home brew venture or aiming to replenish your brewery stock, our assortment of industry-standard glass beer bottles is poised for your selection. Here's to a world of brewing possibilities! 🍻